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Paris La Défense construction site news


Jul 1, 2021 - Aug 16, 2021

Cleaning of the stone façade

The cleaning of the facade will start in July and will last for 6 months. The objective of this work is to remove the existing façade stone. This work may cause some inconvenience but the company will do its best to minimise it. To carry out this work, scaffolding will be erected to remove the stones, which will be transported in their entirety to the interior of the building, thus minimising external nuisance.

Following this work, the project owner will begin restructuring the building (built in 1986), the main objectives of which are to

  • To modernise its architectural image
  • To open up the building to the outside world by creating green outdoor spaces and providing clear and legible access.
  • To modernise the building to meet the expectations of new users by bringing it up to the standards of current requirements in terms of energy, thermal and technical performance, while maintaining a "working code" template.


Project owner / Delegated project owner: Galilée Défense / Espace Expansion
Project manager: Argenium
SPS coordinator: Socotec
Group of companies: Poulingue / Premys
Contact: [](mailto: - 06 07 23 47 13

An information meeting will be organised in September to present the project.