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Paris La Défense construction site news

Eole - Closure of the Coupole alleyway on Avenue de la Division Leclerc

Mar 20, 2021 - Apr 4, 2021

**As part of the Eole project, we are currently working on one of the future exits of the new RER E station at La Défense, on avenue Albert Gleizes in Courbevoie.

In order to carry out the work on this exit, a tower crane will be installed on the weekend of 20 March: it will enable us to supply the site with materials and to remove the excavated material.

This operation will require the closing of the Avenue de la Division Leclerc dome from 8am to 6pm on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 March. The Berlin Wall courtyard will also be closed: users will be guided from Coeur Transport to alternative exits by site staff. If necessary, the closure will continue on the weekends of 27-28 March and 03-04 April.

Suggested diversion