A partnership between La Salle à Manger and Bio Culture

Organic baskets Dining room

Bio Culture offers you baskets of fresh and organic fruits and vegetables, to be picked up at La Salle à Manger, which in turn recovers the unsold produce to cook. A win-win situation for all!

Bio Culture, specialist in organic and local baskets since 2007, and La Salle à Manger (do we still need to introduce you to this solidarity restaurant?) are joining forces in a virtuous and solidarity-based approach.
The goal? To offer you baskets of organic vegetables of which La Salle à Manger will become the relay point 2 days a week. But also, for this anti-gaspi restaurant, to recover, at each delivery, the ugly or slightly damaged fruits and vegetables not sold in the baskets.

A more than virtuous association for the solidarity restaurant, whose chef, Jeanne, concocts recipes every day with unsold products, since La Salle à Manger will also receive 10% of the amount of the delivered orders. This percentage will be transformed into donations of organic and local products.

Practical information
Deliveries every Wednesday and Thursday, from 12:00 to 14:30
To order your basket

What is Bio Culture?
It's the story of a collaborative enterprise that creates 100% organic and local baskets. Controlled and certified each year for its organic baskets, Bio Culture also offers unique and creative recipes composed each week. Launched in 2007, Bio Culture's network includes more than 30 farmers in Ile-de-France, and 100 producers throughout France!
To learn more about Bio Culture

And what about La Salle à Manger?
Do we still need to introduce you to La Salle à Manger, the first solidarity and anti-gaspi restaurant in Paris La Défense that is a hit every lunchtime? With its meals at 1€ for people in great need and 12€ for the general public, it's a good culinary plan that allows everyone to get together, just like at home.
To know more about La Salle à Manger

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