Giving and commitment

Preserving the environment

The World CleanUp Day

At Paris La Défense, it is possible to join the team at its workplace, at the foot of its tower. Because the future of our planet is everyone's business, the establishment and the World CleanUp Day association invite you to take part in a zero cigarette butt day. The concept is simple and effective: the "world cleaners" collect the cigarette butts thrown on the public space and deposit them in various collection points.

At the end of this citizen impulse, the start-up Cy-Clope collects the cigarette butts and sends them to a recycling process where they are transformed into a fine powder, inserted in the cement industry circuit.

As an indication, nearly 20 businesses in the territory have mobilized in 2019 during the day to collect cigarette butts from the neighbourhood and raise awareness among indelicate smokers. Thanks to the participation of volunteers, we were able to collect 161,000 cigarette butts over the course of one day, or more than 40 kilos!

Today in France, 1 butt out of 2 ends up on the ground. However, a well-extinguished cigarette butt can very well be thrown in the grey bins of the territory than in our ashtrays. So we're counting on you to think!
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Butt recycling with Cy-Clope

Don't say ashtray anymore, say Cy-Cloper! They are no longer steel grey but apple green, and about fifteen of them have been installed by the Cy-Clope company in Paris La Défense. The problem of cigarette butts has been known for a long time: water and soil pollution, clogged pipes, trash can fires and visual pollution.

Today, the cigarette butt is considered a dangerous waste because it takes a little less than fifteen years to disappear. With more than 267,000 daily users in the neighbourhood (employees, residents and students), it is estimated that about 100 million cigarettes are smoked per year and as many butts are discarded, a large proportion of which end up on the ground.

The cigarette butts collected in the Cy-Clopeurs ashtrays are intended to be recycled by the Chimirec company, which specializes in the treatment of hazardous waste. It transforms the filter into a fine powder that is then reused in the preparation of cement, instead of wood chips. This powerful fuel will thus replace the use of raw materials to supply energy to industries.

So, if you are a smoker, choose our ashtrays!
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Big Belly connected smart trash cans

After Times Square in New York, Boston, Paris and Singapore, Paris La Défense is now experimenting with the Big Belly bins. Still in the testing stage, the deployment of 35 connected and intelligent bins respond to multiple challenges in the area: cleanliness and maintenance of public spaces, management, collection and sorting of waste.

Ensuring the compacting of waste, encouraging sorting, enabling real-time monitoring of the filling rate via solar-powered sensors and therefore streamlined collection, these units are being deployed from the Takis Basin to the steps of the Grande Arche until spring 2020.

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